Synthetic Motor Oil

Should I Use a Lighter Winter Oil Weight?

AMSOIL recommends using a lighter winter oil weight when the temperatures drop. This improves cold starts and maximizes wear protection at startup. Synthetic oils provide better cold starts because petroleum-based oils contain wax. Wax thickens when it gets cold. Amsoil Signature series 5-30 will actually pour at -50 degrees F. Petroleum-based oils of the same […]

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What Happens if I Use A Thicker Oil in My Engine?

AMSOIL recommends using the viscosity the manufacturer recommends. But using slightly thinner or thicker oil “likely” will not cause any harm. According to this article, today’s moderns engines are built to a lot tighter tolerances than years before. This allows for the use of lower viscosity oils. It also reduces the internal friction of moving

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